Since discovering Emancipation Park, several persons have made repeat visits. Some have even described it as their second home. We sought a few comments from our visitors on what they have to say about the Park.

"I like the statue very much. I like the lawns and the fact that children can enjoy this area makes it more enticing. I love the view of the Blue Mountains from here and they seem very appealing. I would recommend my friends to come here any day. In fact, the Park should be bigger."
Kiros Langston, Visitor from the United Kingdom

"It is great. It's central and nice, especially in the evenings when the fountain is on. It is absolutely beautiful. Every week I come here to sit and enjoy the clean atmosphere."
Kerry-Ann Hepburn, Mountain View Resident

"The Park is quite all right – nothing to be taken out or added to it. I like the fact that it is in the middle of the city and it's great for exercising. I always follow a friend of mine who does her evening walk around the jogging track every other day. Can't ask for anything better."
David Ebanks, Spanish Town Resident

"The Bougainvillea and the other flowers are so beautiful. I'm a returning resident and often heard about Emancipation Park while living abroad. Since the first time my husband and I visited the Park, we just keep coming back. My daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren are here from the States and I've promised to carry them here to experience this beauty, before they go back. The security officers are also excellent and they're courteous. I can't complain about a thing."
Monica Forest, Returning Resident
"It's a really nice environment, however it needs a recreational area for the children. I think we need more places like this in Jamaica. It is a nice place to come and talk with your friends, colleagues or family members."
Jelry Johnson, Stony Hill Resident
"Love the space. The Park is very spacious and a place where my friends and I come all the time to play. I would like to see some rides and shows for children in the Summer as there isn't anything much to do during the days."
Sharon James, Red Hills Road Resident
"I really enjoy the setting. I don't like to see persons defacing the benches or pulling out the flowers. I visit here often with my two-year-old son who loves the fountain very much and the rose garden is very beautiful."
Patrena Salmon, Shortwood Road, Resident